Mrs. Amber Dunham – February’s Support Staff of the Month

amber dunham

Director of Operations, Mr. Keith Isaacs, is thrilled to announce that Mrs. Amber Dunham, kindergarten aide at Laurel Elementary School, has been selected as February’s “Support Staff of the Month.”

Mrs. Amber Dunham is in her second year of working at the Franklin County Community School District.

Amber was nominated for this honor by a colleague. When asked why Mrs. Dunham should be considered for this recognition, the colleague responded, “Amber is full of positivity! She is asked to do so many jobs beyond the position she was hired to do, but she never complains. She is flexible and does every duty under the sun, including substitute, latch key, and Friday school. It is clear that she loves the children she works with.”

When not at school, Amber enjoys spending time with her kids and husband.

When asked what she loves most about her job, Mrs. Dunham responded, “I love when I see the smile on a child’s face after helping them achieve their goals.”

The purpose of the “Support Staff of the Month” program is to recognize outstanding Franklin County Community School Corporation Support Staff who demonstrate dedication to his/her job, school, students, and community. Nomination forms for “Support Staff of the Month” can be found on the school corporation website at