November 2022 Support Staff of the Month

crystal vestal

Director of Operations, Mr. Keith Isaacs, is pleased to announce that Mrs. Crystal Vestal has been selected as November’s “Support Staff of the Month.” Crystal currently serves as the Head Secretary, ECA Treasurer, and Co-Athletic Director at Laurel Elementary.

Mrs. Vestal has worked at the Franklin County Community School Corporation for 4 years. A graduate of Franklin County High School, Crystal attended Indiana University for a year.

Crystal was nominated for this honor by two colleagues. When asked why Mrs. Vestal should be considered for this recognition, they responded, “Crystal is the welcoming presence that greets all who enter Laurel Elementary. No matter what tasks are placed upon her, she completes them in a graceful and timely manner. Not only is Crystal a knowledgeable secretary, she also fills the role as a supportive friend to our Laurel family. Overall, Mrs. Vestal is a hard working, dedicated employee who loves the students and community.

Outside of school, Crystal adores spending time with her family. She enjoys baking with her kids, going to church, and fishing.

When asked what the best part of her job is, Mrs. Vestal responded, “I love being able to help, whether it is for the kids or staff. It makes my heart happy to see our students’ faces light up when they learn a new concept or when we have a fun-filled day. It is amazing to have the opportunity to watch these kids learn and grow. I am thankful for my job and placement at Laurel Elementary. Laurel School is a family and the kids and staff have helped me just as much as I have helped them.”

The purpose of the “Support Staff of the Month” program is to recognize outstanding Franklin County Community School Corporation Support Staff who demonstrate dedication to his/her job, school, students, and community. Nomination forms for “Support Staff of the Month” can be found on the school corporation website at