May 2024 Educator of the Month

photo of jean baker

Superintendent, Ms. Tammy Chavis, is honored to announce that Mrs. Jean Baker has been selected as May’s “Educator of the Month.” Her second time being selected, Jean was also our Educator of the Month in April of 2021. 


Mrs. Baker is a first grade teacher at Laurel Elementary School. She has dedicated 27 years to educating our students. Jean received her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from IU East and her Master’s Degree from Indiana Wesleyan. 


Mrs. Baker was nominated for this honor by a parent.  When asked why Jean should be considered for this recognition, she responded, “Mrs. Baker is a very dedicated and hard working teacher who gives her own time to her students. She plans lessons that keep her students motivated and engaged. She knows what her students need and goes above and beyond to make sure they achieve success. My son can read so fluently now, thanks to her help. She is so patient and kind. She models what she expects from her students. She not only teaches academics but kindness and communication skills. Mrs. Baker works above and beyond expectations to ensure that her students receive the best everyday.”  


In her “free” time, Jean enjoys camping, paddle boating, visiting the Smoky Mountains, listening to the ocean, watching wildlife, and reading. Jean especially loves spending time with her family and two grandchildren. 


When asked what she loves most about her job, Mrs. Baker responded, “The best part of my job is helping my kids gain confidence. Once they believe they can do something, they aren’t afraid to participate in learning. They become risk takers. I love the way their eyes light up and the smiles brighten the room once this happens. After they have confidence, it is fun to watch and listen to them “teach” others using the strategies that I have taught during class. Knowing that I may have left an impact on my students is the most rewarding part of my job! Another thing that makes me enjoy my job is the people that I work with every day.” 


The purpose of the “Educator of the Month” program is to recognize outstanding Franklin County educators who demonstrate excellence in the classroom, leadership in the school, dedication to the students, and involvement in the community. Nomination forms for “Educator of the Month” can be found on the school corporation website at