April 2023 Educator of the Month and November 2016 Educator of the Month

katie schneider

Superintendent, Ms. Tammy Chavis, is thrilled to announce that Mrs. Katie Schneider, Science Teacher at Franklin County High School, has been selected as April’s “Educator of the Month.”

After graduating from Franklin County High School, Katie attended Purdue University earning a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. She first put her degree to work as a Precision Ag Specialist at Harvest Land Co-op. While working full time, Mrs. Schneider went back to school and received her Master’s Degree in Biology Education. She completed her student teaching at FCHS and served as a long-term substitute teacher in the science department. After completing her Master’s Degree, Mrs. Schneider taught 7th grade science at Greensburg Jr. High School before returning to FCCSC. Later in her career, Katie earned her Biological Sciences Graduate Course Credentials for Dual Credit from Indiana Wesleyan University, but didn’t stop there! She is currently working on an additional Master’s Degree in STEM Curriculum and Instruction.

In her 11 years at Franklin County High School, Katie has been recognized for several honors including Educator of the Month twice (Nov. 2016 and now), the Lead Teacher for the 2024 Early College Cohort, and being a School Leadership Team member for the Franklin County High School Early College Program.

Katie was nominated for this honor by two colleagues. When asked why Mrs. Schneider should be considered for this recognition, they responded, “Katie is not only a phenomenal teacher, she has been a crucial part in helping Katie DeGrazia with the Early College Endorsement. Katie Schneider has gone well above and beyond in every way. Every time we go into her classroom, we are thoroughly impressed by what she has the students doing and what is hanging up in her room. On top of this, anytime something is asked of the Early College group, Katie takes the initiative to do the task, and makes it look amazing and better than, I believe, any of us could have done it! She created an Early College webpage that looks outstanding. She is an amazing team player and I can truly say that she is one of the best teachers I have ever witnessed. We often joke in our office how we do not know when she sleeps since she is a dual credit and AP teacher, has many different upper level science classes, takes initiative and creates outstanding projects for the Early College program, and has three little girls at home. We want her to know that she is very appreciated and that Franklin County High School would not be the same without her!”

As if her role in the school doesn’t keep her busy enough, Mrs. Schneider finds time to be involved in community activities and organizations. She is a volunteer for St. Michael School, Church, and 4-H, as well as an Advisory Committee member and Adjunct Instructor at Ivy Tech Community College.

In her “free time,” Katie enjoys watching her kids’ sporting events and involvement in 4-H activities, spending time outdoors, and being on the farm.

When asked what she loves most about her job, Mrs. Schneider responded, “In my role as a dual credit instructor, I have the unique opportunity to see students transform from high school students to college students. We spend a lot of time focusing on skills for college success, in addition to the content of the courses. Watching my students grow and become confident in their own abilities and realizing they can undertake rigorous college-level courses is the best part of my job!”
The purpose of the “Educator of the Month” program is to recognize outstanding Franklin County educators who demonstrate excellence in the classroom, leadership in the school, dedication to the students, and involvement in the community. Nomination forms for “Educator of the Month” can be found on the school corporation website at www.fccsc.k12.in.us.