Professional Development Library
The following materials are available for loan from the central office.
Language Arts – Elementary Grade Levels
- When Students Write; Fletcher and Portalupi; Set of three DVDs that cover topics such as
writing workshop, writers’ notebook, writer’s conference, revision, and the role of literature. - 6+1 Traits of Writing; Culham; Set of four VHS tapes and study guide that cover the topics
of ideas and organization, voice and word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and
presentation. - Bridges to Independence; Stead; A set of three DVDs that demonstrate teaching reading
with nonfiction. - Bringing Reading to Life, Instruction and Conversation for Grades 3-6; Sibberson and
Szymusiak; A set of three DVDs that address whole class lessons, individual reading, mini
lessons, conferences, discussion techniques, reading notebooks, small groups, and writing
extensions. - Stepping Up with Literacy Stations; Diller; A set of two DVDs for grades 3-6.
- Launching Literacy Stations; Diller; A set of three DVDs for grades K-3.
- Small Group Reading Instruction, A differentiated Teaching Model for Beginning and
Struggling Readers; Tyner; A set of four DVDs from the International Reading Association.
The series cover topics including the emergent reader, the beginning reader, the independent
reader, and includes lesson plans and reproducibles. - Spotlight on Small Groups; Diller; The set of one DVD covers balancing whole group and
differentiated instruction, inferring, vocabulary, guided practice and more.
Language Arts – Middle School and High School
- Comprehending Content; Tovani; A set of three DVDs in which the author demonstrates in
her classroom how to improve reading skills in different disciplines. A good book to
accompany this DVD series is Do I Really Have to Teach Reading ?, written by Tovani.
All Levels
Mentoring, Guiding, Coaching, and Sustaining Beginning Teachers., Niday and Boreen; A 45 minute DVD with a viewing guide booklet.
Books for All Levels
- A Path to Follow; Learning to Listen to Parents; Edwards and Franklin; This short paper
back uses stories, and anecdotes to relate to parents the types of home activities that make a
positive difference in early literacy. - Best Practice, Bringing Standards to Life in America’s Classroom; Zemelman,Daniels,
and Hyde; This paperback book addresses technology in the classroom, special education,
reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and more.