Professional Development Library

The following materials are available for loan from the central office.

Language Arts – Elementary Grade Levels

  1. When Students Write; Fletcher and Portalupi; Set of three DVDs that cover topics such as
    writing workshop, writers’ notebook, writer’s conference, revision, and the role of literature.
  2. 6+1 Traits of Writing; Culham; Set of four VHS tapes and study guide that cover the topics
    of ideas and organization, voice and word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and
  3. Bridges to Independence; Stead; A set of three DVDs that demonstrate teaching reading
    with nonfiction.
  4. Bringing Reading to Life, Instruction and Conversation for Grades 3-6; Sibberson and
    Szymusiak; A set of three DVDs that address whole class lessons, individual reading, mini
    lessons, conferences, discussion techniques, reading notebooks, small groups, and writing
  5. Stepping Up with Literacy Stations; Diller; A set of two DVDs for grades 3-6.
  6. Launching Literacy Stations; Diller; A set of three DVDs for grades K-3.
  7. Small Group Reading Instruction, A differentiated Teaching Model for Beginning and
    Struggling Readers; Tyner; A set of four DVDs from the International Reading Association.
    The series cover topics including the emergent reader, the beginning reader, the independent
    reader, and includes lesson plans and reproducibles.
  8. Spotlight on Small Groups; Diller; The set of one DVD covers balancing whole group and
    differentiated instruction, inferring, vocabulary, guided practice and more.

Language Arts – Middle School and High School

  1. Comprehending Content; Tovani; A set of three DVDs in which the author demonstrates in
    her classroom how to improve reading skills in different disciplines. A good book to
    accompany this DVD series is Do I Really Have to Teach Reading ?, written by Tovani.

All Levels

Mentoring, Guiding, Coaching, and Sustaining Beginning Teachers., Niday and Boreen; A 45 minute DVD with a viewing guide booklet.

Books for All Levels

  1. A Path to Follow; Learning to Listen to Parents; Edwards and Franklin; This short paper
    back uses stories, and anecdotes to relate to parents the types of home activities that make a
    positive difference in early literacy.
  2. Best Practice, Bringing Standards to Life in America’s Classroom; Zemelman,Daniels,
    and Hyde; This paperback book addresses technology in the classroom, special education,
    reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and more.